What’s new in version 1.3.1 as compared to version 1.3?
• The screen will now center on monitors larger than 14" The windows are not movable, but at least you will not have to crane your neck if you have a 21" monitor. I hope to eventually make it so the windows can be movable as well but that would require a good bit of work and I have other priorities right now.
• I made provisions for skipping over sound channels that cannot be allocated at startup. Some systems for one reason or another cannot allocate 4 sound channels for use in Realmz and in the past the sounds sent to that channel NEVER played. Now they will be routed to another channel.
• I also reverted my sound playing routines to pre v1.3 design. This is in hopes that in combination with the above changes that it will prove more stable.
• Fixed some problems with bad loops in about 15 sounds. I HOPE that this was the fundamental cause of the problem with the AV machines. Due to the special sound chip they contain, It is my believe that this chip did not know how to handle the error and would freeze. (That’s my guess anyway)
• Fixed a problem with the preferences screen that would cause it to crash some systems. Also, now you will be able to set the "Show spell descriptions" option correctly.
• Eliminated the "Theldrow" font from the menus and some portions of some dialogs. I used it in a way that I was warned would cause problems and I just didn't listen. The bugs it would cause finally convinced me to change it. (I should have listened to Glenn G.)
• Fixed a problem with wearing/removing some items. It would cause any special abilities that should be added by the item to not be added but would reduce them when removing the item.
• Reduced the effectiveness of the Attack Deflector and Spell Deflector spells. Now they will only reflect the attack/spell about 1/3 of the time. Still nice, but now you cant easily defeat very strong enemies by constantly moving away from them.
• Sometimes 3 gray lines would cover the screen in the treasure collection screen. That has bee fixed. It would only happen when you had no items to collect but you clicked on the screen.
• Modified a few icons and added a few portraits. Since the Mac will only allow a range of 256 icons to be displayed in menus I have to limit the number of icons used as portraits to make room for monsters icons as well. For this reason you may find that some portraits are no longer available. In essance I have replaced some of the old ones with new ones.
• Some items would dissapear during the game. I wont go into what caused this but it should be fixed now.
• I have also included a simple text file of the registration form.
• Many other very small fixes that would not even show external problems.
••••••••••••••••••• Now the bad news (Not too bad) •••••••••••••••••••••
• Because of they way I handle items some cursed items in the v1.3 files had an incorrect title. I do not intent to include new files with the patched version becuase the file was rather large for very little gain. The coplete package of 1.3.1 should have this error corrected. In addition, in future scenairos the items should have the correct name.
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